The project "Words in progress" is a visualization (with a wink) of the evolution of our language.

The human being has the ability to use language.
Man creates his world partly thanks to his language.

Internal and external experiences are processed, stored, communicated and transmitted with the help of language.

At the same time, humans create their language as a "work in progress". New concepts emerge and other words disappear from life and thus from language.
Language is a code. Each new word is a new code with a new meaning.

My research started with comparing the 10th edition of Van Dale dictionary from 1976 with the last version of Van Dale published on paper in 2015.

Has our language changed since1976?
I found that with each edition new words are added and other words disappeared.

I created two lists.
The first list consists of words from Van Dale as published in 1976, that have disappeared in the latest paper version of 2015.
The second list consists of words that did not yet exist in Van Dale of 1976, but do so in the version of 2015.

The goal of this project is to visualize these words in a series of images that explores how language, as a means of communication, is a dynamic mechanism and thus in constant evolution.

Words In Progress


Seed In Need